NEW Joint Proposal Vote December 17th – 19th

The time has come for all IBEW eligible members to vote on the NEW Joint Proposal (JP).

The ballots will be couriered out December 17 arriving no later than the 19th. Ballots must be couriered to your home address we have on file.

IMPORTANT: If you are working out of town please ensure that someone monitors your mail and correspondence.

Voting is simple, it only takes a couple of minutes. It is done electronically! Voice your vote, don’t hesitate.

This is a historic joint proposal, never before have we achieved “make up” money. This makes up for falling short last agreement. We agreed on $1.50 wage amendment before we even negotiate the raises for the next 3 years.

If the Joint Proposal passes: 

  • Wages will increase by $1.50 on April 30th, 2025 at 11:59pm.
  • The negotiated wage increase will take effect the next day on May 1, 2025.
  • Any “Me Too” money will be allocated in year 2026 and 2027.
  • The CAP has now been removed. Scrap the Cap was successful.

I’m proud of all IBEW members for sticking together and sending a clear message that this JP needed be monumental. AND it is!!!

It’s now in your hands…

Exercise your right to VOTE.